Toronto, ON
Mohtaram Majeed Amjad (1914-1974)
As of 2016, I have decided to divide the presentation of this great modern Urdu poet's poems into certain self-defined categories ... I realize this may appear artificial to some critics but I feel now that this is an attractive option to showcase this poet's immense talent and aid younger readers' appreciation of Majeed's poetry ... Drum roll please... The categories are:
Majeed Amjad: Early Poems
Majeed Amjad: Romantic Poems
Majeed Amjad: On Man and his Abode
Majeed Amjad: Socio-Political Poems
Majeed Amjad: Poems about Children
Majeed Amjad: Poems about Art
Majeed Amjad's masterpiece Urdu poem, Mashriq O Maghrib where he delineates the progress of Mankind and the key to continued progress of Man... the pursuit of Knowledge !!
Majeed Amjad's close associates reveal that he was deeply interested in Science and despite his meager resources, purchased books on the Origin of the Universe, Relativity and Evolution of Life on Earth. The Urdu critic Anwar Sadeed has alluded to this for Majeed Amjad's ghazals
پلٹ پڑا ہوُں شعاعوں کے چیتھڑے اوڑھے
as well as for his Poems
بس سٹینڈ پر
In Mashriq o Maghrib, Majeed Amjad refers to the discovery of farming, very early in the history of Mankind:
بس اک پھبکتی گراز مٹی
کی چادر ِ سبز جس کے دامن
میں کل تھے انبان گندم و جو
and then goes on to state how this led to the development of weapons
انبار ِ سیم و آہن
He goes on to describe how a class based society is exploiting Mankind and that this has nothing to do with cultures or being an Eastern country or a Western country.
نہ کوئی مشرق نہ کوئی مغرب
مگر و ُہ اِک زینہِٗ مراتب
جو اَن گنت بےزباں غلاموں
کی ٹوٹتی پسلیوں پہ کل بھی
ہزار کف در دہاں خدائوں
کے بوجھ سے کچکچا رہا تھا
He then talks about the pursuit of Knowledge:
وہ عقل حیراں کی کارگاہیں
discoveries in Atomic Physics and the unleashing of the power of the atom :
یہ ذرے ذرے کے قلب پیچاں
میں کھولتی قوتوں کے طوفاں
زمانہ ہے جن کی رو میں تنکا
and how the pursuit of Knowledge would liberate Mankind.
Bravo, Majeed Amjad !!
In this poem, Majeed Amjad calls out to the Pakistani people, exhorting them to awaken, realize their political challenges and work to build a brighter future for themselves.
Toronto, ON