Toronto, ON
Dareechah would like to showcase moving Punjabi Folk Song Videos on this page.
What are the elements of a Punjabi folk song? What makes it a popular hit all over the Punjab in the days before the internet and social media and YouTube etc. ? Ataa Oollaah Eesaa Khailvee was an enigma who rose from the backwaters of Southern Punjab in the brutal reign of Dictator Zia ul Haq. The internet and social media and cable TV and satellite channels were unknown. The choice of the poetry he employed in his songs, the melodies based in the folk heritage of the Punjab and the classical Indian Ragas and his unique rendition in the tradition of the Marsiya or Dohrraa or Lament captivated the emerging young Punjabi rural audience. His songs came to the masses as original and pirated audio cassettes and took over the Punjab in a few years time. This song is his signature and begs the question: What are the elements of a Punjabi Folk Song?
Toronto, ON